Friday, November 17, 2006

These pages are devoted to the memory of David Patrick Jodoin.

If the measure of a man is how he faces his problems, David devoted his life to growing tall. He faced life’s personal and professional challenges head-on and invariably won the day. So abundant was his inner strength that he shared it freely with us all. His physical strength was legendary and grew from the time he was a boy well into adulthood. Unquestionably, though, his humour was his greatest gift.

Let us remember Dave for all the wonderful times we shared. He was unmatched as a husband, father, son, uncle, cousin, friend, mentor and business associate, and remains a brother to us all.

Please add your comments to any of the images and eulogies contained herein. If you have photos or links you would like to suggest, please send them to me and I will be happy to add them here.

Mark Jodoin
Ottawa, Ontario
November 17, 2006